Covid-19 Response/Aiding Relief Efforts
When we learned about the threat of COVID-19 in early March, 2020, we asked ourselves how we could contribute to the relief efforts as the COVID-19 pandemic presented itself as a completely different kind of disaster, affecting the entire world all at once. We recognized immediately the gravity of the massive shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for front-line medical workers was taking its toll on combatting this pandemic. To see images of medical personnel wearing trash bags in lieu of proper PPE was disheartening.
We began to research the breakdown in the medical-gown supply chain. The gowns were produced by a tight circle of manufacturers that had begun to shut down due to supply-chain issues related to the pandemic.
In March 2020, we examined and dissected a medical gown by taking it apart, and reconstructing it and documenting the process in a YouTube video, in hopes it would strike the interest of anyone with the urge to help.