Hooded Isolation Suit

Hooded Isolation Suit


Now out instructional YouTube is available in English and Spanish.


Made by Manila Protective Gear in the Philippines 

  • Reviewed: 3/25/2020
  • Reviewed by: OSCMS Medical Review Team
  • Notes: This design produces a working isolation suit if seams are sealed. The recommended material is Tyvek 1433R. Sewing seams make the garment more permeable because of needle holes; an only-sewn suit should not be used to treat active patients. Please read through the techpack for full construction details based on what kind of machine you have accessible. Dupont has a guide for seaming & sealing Tyvek to itself in order to make sealed seams. Heat sealing the outer edge at 120-130°C before sewing would result in more-sealed, more-robust seams.

Included in the downloadable files are: 

  • Gerber Files
  • PDF files for home printing
  • Tech Pak