The latest National Updates and Resources on COVID-19
Sign up and fill out ITAC's quick survey and share with them your capabilities. ITAC is working to help identify who can supply the crucial gear NYC healthcare workers need.
The NYS Governor Cuomo is also encouraging any company with the proper equipment or personnel to begin to manufacture PPE products if possible. The state is willing to provide funding to any company to obtain the proper equipment and personnel. Businesses interested in receiving state funding to manufacture PPE products should contact EricGertler at 212-803-3100 or
L.A. Protects could help businesses that might otherwise might have to close and furlough staff, by connecting them with opportunities to provide an essential service. Working in partnership with the sustainable fashion brand Reformation, which will monitor mask production to maintain quality assurance, L.A. Protects will match approved manufacturing companies with essential industries in need of masks –– including the healthcare industry, grocers, take-out restaurants, delivery services, as well as food and beverage manufacturers. Garment and apparel manufacturers in the city can sign up at
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Kaleidoscope Consulting 212.414.8882